Cashless Society: A Goal of the New World Order
When filmmaker Aaron Russo was asked in his historic interview with Alex Jones what the end goal of the New World Order is based on his conversation with a member of the Rockefeller family, Russo said it is “to get everybody chipped”:
All money is to be in those chips. There will be no more cash. And this is coming straight from Rockefeller himself, this is what they want to accomplish…. If they say ‘you owe us this much money in taxes’, they just take it out of your chip digitally. Total control. And if you are protesting what they are doing, they can just turn off your chip. And you have nothing.
The first major step toward getting a microchip into everyone is the creation of a cashless society.
The media and elite are openly spporting the idea of a cashless society. Former IMF chief economist, CFR member, Bilderberg attendee and harvard prfoessor Kenneth S. Rogoff argued for a more cashless society, saying “[P]aper currency lies at the heart of some of today’s most intractable public-finance and monetary problems. Getting rid of most of it — that is, moving to a society where cash is used less frequently and mainly for small transactions — could be a big help… “[I]f done gradually and properly, the balance of arguments is distinctly in favor of becoming a society that depends much less on cash (source).” Mark Carney, who is United Nations special envoy for climate action and finance, a Bilderberg attendee, Trilateral Commission attendee, former Governor of the central Bank of Canada and central Bank of England, current member of the Rothschild and Pope-founded Council for Inclusive Capitalism, and investment banking managing director at Goldman Sachs has called for a new international monetary and financial system using digital currencies:
A digital currency “could dampen the domineering influence of the US dollar on global trade”, Carney said in a speech at the gathering of central bankers from around the world in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. “If the share of trade invoiced in [a digital currency] were to rise, shocks in the US would have less potent spillovers through exchange rates, and trade would become less synchronised across countries.
“The dollar’s influence on global financial conditions could similarly decline if a financial architecture developed around the new [digital currency] and it displaced the dollar’s dominance in credit markets. By reducing the influence of the US on the global financial cycle, this would help reduce the volatility of capital flows to emerging market economies.”
The Chinese currency, the renminbi, has been cited as an alternative to the dollar along with proposed digital currencies such as Facebook’s Libra. Carney said neither was in a position to take over from the dollar, but new technologies could allow for a global digital currency to challenge the US currency.
Former University of Chicago law professor and former head of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), Cass Sunstein, called for a cashless society in an op-ed: “if federal and state governments, along with the private sector, took stronger steps to reduce the use of cash, the effects on street crime would be even larger.” It is noteworthy that he has also advocated for government infiltration of conspiracy theorist groups where “Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action.” On stopping conspiracy theories:
We can readily imagine a series of possible responses. (1) Government might ban conspiracy theorizing. (2) Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories. (3) Government might itself engage in counterspeech, marshaling arguments to discredit conspiracy theories. (4) Government might formally hire credible private parties to engage in counterspeech. (5) Government might engage in informal communication with such parties, encouraging them to help.
Cornell Professor and Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution Eswar Prasad wrote in the New York Times in July 2021 saying “cash will soon be obsolete” and that America should prepare for a Central Bank Digital Currency:
China, Japan and Sweden have begun trials of central bank digital currency. The Bank of England and the European Central Bank are preparing their own trials. The Bahamas has already rolled out the world’s first official digital currency.
The U.S. Federal Reserve, by contrast, has largely stayed on the sidelines. This could be a lost opportunity. The United States should develop a digital dollar, not because of what other countries are doing, but because the benefits of a digital currency far outweigh the costs.
The “benefits” that Prasad noted are extremely worrying for liberty. One so-called benefit is that the Federal Reserve can drain your digital currency account whenever they want. Another “benefit” is that no one can avoid taxes like they can with cash.
A central-bank digital currency can also be a useful policy tool. Typically, if the Federal Reserve wants to stimulate consumption and investment, it can cut interest rates and make cheap credit available. But if the economy is cratering and the Fed has already cut the short-term interest rate it controls to near zero, its options are limited. If cash were replaced with a digital dollar, however, the Fed could impose a negative interest rate by gradually shrinking the electronic balances in everyone’s digital currency accounts, creating an incentive for consumers to spend and for companies to invest.
A digital dollar would also hinder illegal activities that rely on anonymous cash transactions, such as drug dealing, money laundering and terrorism financing. It would bring “off the books” economic activity out of the shadows and into the formal economy, increasing tax revenues. Small businesses would benefit from lower transaction costs, since people would use credit cards less often, and they would avoid the hassles of handling cash.
In addition to opinion pieces in major publications, there was even a secret meeting with “more than 100 executives from some of the world’s largest financial institutions… with representatives from Nasdaq, Citigroup Inc., Visa Inc., Fidelity, Fiserv Inc., Pfizer Inc. and others in the room”:
“We created a digital dollar” to show the group at Nasdaq an instant debit and credit on a blockchain, said Marc West, chief technology officer at Fiserv, a transaction and payments company with more than 13,000 clients across the financial industry. “This is the first time the money has moved.”
Hyperinflation has led to cashless societies in the past, such as Zimbabwe and Venezuela. And with the U.S. and almost everywhere else in the world experiencing very high inflation due to government debt from the so-called war against Covid-19, it is very possible that upcoming hyperinflation may be the crisis that is used to justify digital currency.
The U.S. has been preparing for a new digital currency. “On June 30th, 2020, the Senate Banking Committee held a hearing on the future of the digital dollar… The idea of a dollar-backed digital currency gained mainstream media attention last year during the Libra congress hearings, where Facebook introduced a new type of digital unit backed by a basket of currencies and commodities (source).” Jerome Powell, current Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank laid out key reasons the Fed is moving toward digital dollars. ZeroHedge understands the magnitude of such a switch:
In what remains the most undercovered financial topic of the year, if not century, we remind readers that starting about a year ago, central banks around the world launched an unprecedented if stealthy attempt to overhaul the entire monetary architecture of fiat money by implementing digital dollars, a transformation to a cashless society which in recent months has also received the tacit support of Congress, which is actively drafting bills to send “digital dollars” to the unbanked.
As can be seen with Eswar Prasad’s so-called digital currency “benefits,” a cashless society would allow for total surveillance:
In a cashless society, the cash has been converted into numbers, into signals, into electronic currents. In short: Information replaces cash.
Information is lightning-quick. It crosses cities, states, and national borders in the twinkle of an eye. It passes through many kinds of devices, flowing from phone to phone, and computer to computer, rather than being sealed away in those silent marble temples we used to call banks. Information never jangles uncomfortably in your pocket.
But wherever information gathers and flows, two predators follow closely behind it: censorship and surveillance. The case of digital money is no exception. Where money becomes a series of signals, it can be censored; where money becomes information, it will inform on you.
The Guardian wisely published an op-ed saying “why we should fear a cashless world”:
In a world without cash, every payment you make will be traceable. Do you want governments (which are not always benevolent), banks or payment processors to have potential access to that information? The power this would hand them is enormous and the potential scope for Orwellian levels of surveillance is terrifying.
Cash, on the other hand, empowers its users. It enables them to buy and sell, and store their wealth, without being dependent on anyone else. They can stay outside the financial system, if so desired.
Unfortunaetly, the “powers that be” keep pushing forward on instituting digital currencies and phasing out cash.
Trump’s nominee for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors back in 2017, Marvin Goodfriend, was “no fan of paper money“:
Goodfriend is concerned that the existence of cash makes it harder for the Fed to lower interest rates below zero. In the next crisis, he says, the Fed might want to push interest rates into negative territory to prod people to stop sitting on their money and do something with it, such as consumption or investment, that would get growth going again. But today, the Fed would not be able to push interest rates on checking or savings accounts very far below zero because as soon as it did, people would simply withdraw cash from the banks and store it in the mattress or a vault. The European Central Bank and Swiss National Bank have managed to push rates only slightly negative.
For anyone who knows Austrian Economics, this excuse, needing digital currency in order to impose negative interest rates, is ridiculous. It’s Keynesian nonsense because savings and investments actually produce wealth, not constant spending with no savings. But what it really is is getting the camel’s nose under the tent. Once there is a digital currency, the government and central bank has complete control over your money.
Cashless cities are on the rise. The Federal Reserve continues to take steps towards developing a digital currency. You’re going to see terms like “CBDC” (Central Bank Digital Currency) more and more. But you must push back. The right to privacy is intimately connected to liberty. And if the government and central bank has control over your money, they can shut it off or impose a tax based on speech they don’t like. They can drain your account using the excuse that it encourages you to spend. The possibilities for total control are endless. It’s time to wake up.